Now if only the watchtower magazines did that, I might not have to keep stabbing myself in the leg with a pen to keep from falling asleep in the meetings.
cuckoo in the nest
JoinedPosts by cuckoo in the nest
This blew me away"The distant between Egypt and the promise land"
by jam ini was reading a article about a national acclaim charles lummis for.
his poetry.
in 1884, while working at a newspaper in ohio, he was offered.
cuckoo in the nest
Back in the nineties when I was at college, I was talking with a jewish friend about the Exodus, and she came out with this priceless remark ; "Moses? Don't talk to me about that schmuck. If he'd turned right instead of left, we'd have had the oil and the arabs would have had the oranges".
Blood Ban and Your Pets
by compound complex inhow irrational the society could be was experienced by the sister-in-law of ex-bethelite william (bill) cetnar when .... at the suggestion of her veterinarian, she had a blood transfusion given to her poodle to prolong its life.
she couldn't believe bill [cetnar]when he told her that the society would say she had violated god's law.
at his urging she wrote the society on the matter and the response she received informed her that she had done wrong.
cuckoo in the nest
Oh deep joy, is there nothing the Collective won't stick their noses in? Or is there a (very profitable) sideline in kosher kitty kibble about to be released. Perhaps I should report my Maine Coon Augustus to the elders next time he brings a mouse, or half a mouse, in the house? They could try and counsel him into only hunting halal carrots instead..?
It had never occurred to me that pets wouldn't be there on the "Paradise Earth". The Borg bang on about loved ones coming back, but there's no mention of species restrictions. I can't be the only person who finds the company of my cats infinitely preferable to that of most humans I know, Borg or otherwise. Quite frankly, if my Maines and their predecessor, my late abyssinian cross Claudius, aren't there then it wouldn't be paradise and you can shove me back in my box and nail the lid down again.
Can anyone here SEE the "Run-Away Freight train" about to "Blind-Side" the WTBTS???
by foodalls ini just got off listening to the the tape about the teh bethlelite brothers and the case a member of the anointed has filed against a congregation about an illegal disfellowshiping...and both of these "brothers" have set this organization for a very hard fall!
but!...thats not what i see from what o got from these tapes....but it will be a big contributing factor (i actually feel sorry for those poor "ignorant" elders who will be left to "flap-in-the-wind" over this!!!
)..but its what ii know is comig about all religion that know for a fact!!!
cuckoo in the nest
Hello Foodalls, let's hope the Sumereans were right about there being intelligent life out in space, because there's bugger all down here on Earth. Some of these ideas might sound outlandish on first hearing, but on the balance of probabilities, extra-terrestrial life is far more likely to exist than, say, angels. And how many people here have swallowed that idea whole without questioning it? Science (oooh, there's that nasty non-scriptural word, run away, run away) has postulated life may have arrived on Earth from elsewhere, possibly in cometary debris. Suppose the mythical Planet X is really a comet trapped in a wide orbit by the Sun's gravity? So unthinkable?
P.S. to Shamus, the abyssinian kittens are gorgeous, reminds me of my late sorrel aby Claudius. Post more cats, raise the level of debate!
Tried to end my "bible" study, ended up agreeing to go to the Kingdom Hall instead!!!
by KristiKay inmy jw came over yesterday with a video she wanted to show me, i forget what it was called but it was about the history of the watchtower.normaly i don't have a problem discussing the bible with her, but i just could't sit through this bs video.
i already know the history of the watchtower,.
and it certianly isn't what this video was going to portray.
cuckoo in the nest
As a new arrival on Planet of the Witlesses, there's a lot I just don't get. How the sheol are you supposed to do a transplant without blood? It's not as if you can use a drip tray and pour it back in or anything. Is this a prime example of JW doublethink, or just not thinking at all?
How Would Jesus Announce HIs Second Coming to the Watchtower
by Band on the Run insomeone wrote something on another thread that i find puzzling.
how would jesus communicate with them?
do they hear an actual voice?
cuckoo in the nest
Besides which, he'd never get in the Kingdom Cube. Sandals and no suit, and he looks too jewish.
How Would Jesus Announce HIs Second Coming to the Watchtower
by Band on the Run insomeone wrote something on another thread that i find puzzling.
how would jesus communicate with them?
do they hear an actual voice?
cuckoo in the nest
Let's face it, if he did come back he'd never be able to get a word in. JW's never shut up, do they breathe through their ears or what??
Tried to end my "bible" study, ended up agreeing to go to the Kingdom Hall instead!!!
by KristiKay inmy jw came over yesterday with a video she wanted to show me, i forget what it was called but it was about the history of the watchtower.normaly i don't have a problem discussing the bible with her, but i just could't sit through this bs video.
i already know the history of the watchtower,.
and it certianly isn't what this video was going to portray.
cuckoo in the nest
Hello KristiKay, I have exactly the same situation, I ended up going along partly to see what it was like, but especially to SHUT THEM UP. They're like the Borg from Star Trek, "You will be assimilated, resistance is futile...". Now I like to play games with them, see what jokes I can get away with, what wisecracks I can slip in, especially when they don't realise what I'm up to. Most of them are good, sincere people, but my god are they relentless or what? I think in time they might just get bored with me not wanting to join their collective and give up on me. watch this space...
Do you miss "dressing up" for the meetings?
by dozy ini was thinking about this the other day when doing a bit of tidying up of my wardrobe.
all the kh suits are now pushed to the back of the wardrobe and i am seriously thinking about a visit to the charity shop to get rid of most of them.. for me one of the (few) enjoyable aspects of being a jw was getting dressed up.
my secular work very rarely involves putting on a dress suit & tie so i miss getting dressed up - smart suit , tie , shiny shoes , slapping on the aftershave.
cuckoo in the nest
I hate having to don the full regalia, just to sit on an uncomfortable chair and try not to fall asleep for a couple of hours. Especially that accursed strangulating tie, was there ever a more pointless piece of clothing ever? And I bet I'm not the only one in the local collective, you look around the room and you see people who'd only wear a suit if they were appearing in court, twitching and scratching. The PA system never works because of the static from so much polyester in the same place at once.
I Got Called By One of the Elders Yesterday (I think)
by OnTheWayOut inlet me start by saying that the congregation i was in split into two congregations long ago.
let's just say i was in "north" and i know everyone from "south" but i have actually never ever set foot in "south's" kingdom hall.. so my cell phone rings and displays a local call, but not a name.
that means it's not a stored number.
cuckoo in the nest
Hello Lioncask, I noticed what you said about the Borg mind trick. I thought I was the only person to notice the similarity between the congregation and the collective. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile... But back to the main point, I don't think it's deliberate, if that mob are anything like they are over here in the UK, well, we have an expression. Couldn't find their ass with both hands...